Export | Pressedaten

Eine Liste von Events mit Pressedaten inkl. Download-Link der Medien.


Es werden folgende Daten ausgespielt

  • Datum
  • Beginn
  • Titel
  • Untertitel (falls vorhanden)
  • Spielort
  • Informationen des Events, Künstlers und der Show mit dem Benutzerfeld „Info lang“


Öffentliche Dateien des Events, Künstlers und der Show mit dem Tag „promotion“ werden als Zip Datei Download-Link dargestellt.
Doppelte Medien werden herausgefiltert.



const whitelistedFileTags = ["promotion"]

const d = deps.dateFns
const _ = deps.lodash

 * prefixes file name with date and first segment of event ID
const prefixFileName = (file, event) => {
    const dateString = d.format(d.parseISO(event.start), "yyyy-MM-dd")
    return `${dateString}___${event.id.split("-")[0]}___${file.name}`

let artistFiles = []

const filesByEventId = _.fromPairs(ctx.events.map(e => {
        for (const a of e.artists) {
            if(a.show?.files?.length) artistFiles.push(a.show?.files)
            if(a.show?.images?.length) artistFiles.push(a.show?.images)
            if(a.files?.length) artistFiles.push(a.files)
            if(a.images?.length) artistFiles.push(a.images)
    const files = [...e.images, ...e.files, ...artistFiles.flat()]
        // only use files tagged with specific tags
        .filter(f => f.tags?.some(t => whitelistedFileTags.includes(t)))
        .map(f => ({ ...f, prefixedName: prefixFileName(f, e) }))
    return [e.id, files]

const files = _.uniqBy(_.values(filesByEventId).flat(),'id');

const zipFileName = `Termine-${ctx.instanceId}-${d.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd")}.zip`

const paths = files.map(f => `paths=${f.id}:${encodeURIComponent(f.prefixedName)}`).join("&")
const zipUrl = `/go/${ctx.instanceId}/files/${files.map(f => f.id).join(",")}/bulk/${zipFileName}?${paths}`

return {
    month: d.startOfMonth(d.parseISO(ctx.events[0].start)),


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                    {{ baseData.name }} <br />
                    {{ baseData.web }}
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                    {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.street}}<br />
                    {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.zip}} {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.city}}
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                <h1>Veranstaltungen {{formatDate month "LLLL yyy"}}</h1>

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                    Alle Bilder downloaden: <a href={{zipUrl}}>{{zipFileName}}</a>

                    {{#each events}}
                    <hr />
                    <div style="display: grid; grid-template-columns: auto 1fr; gap: 0.25rem;">
                        <div>{{formatDate this.start "E P"}}</div>
                        <div>{{formatDate this.start "p"}} Uhr</div>
                        {{#if subtitle}}
                        {{#if displayNames.locationsWithCityAndRooms}}

                    <div>{{md2Html (eventInformationByName this.eventInformations "Info lang")}}</div>
                    <div>{{md2Html (eventInformationByName this.artists.[0].artistInformations "Info lang")}}</div>
                    <div>{{md2Html (eventInformationByName this.artists.[0].show.artistShowInformations "Info lang")}}



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