Export | Angebot

Angebot mit Logo und Footer.

Folgende Kontakte müssen im Event angelegt sein:

  • Mieter:in
  • Ansprechpartner:in



return {
    events: ctx.events.map(e => {
        const offersOnEvent = e.offersOnEvent?.map(o => {
            let netTotalByVat = Object.entries(o.netTotalByVat).map(([vat,_netTotal]) => {
                const netTotal = o.discount ? _netTotal - (_netTotal * (o.discount/100)) : _netTotal
                const vatTotal = netTotal * (1 + vat / 100)
                return {
            return {
        return {


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        width: auto;
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        position: fixed;
        bottom: 1cm;
        width: 17cm;


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        right: 1cm;

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    h1 {
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<div class="page-header">
    {{#if baseData.images.[0].sizes}}
    <img class="logo" src="{{lookup baseData.images.[0].sizes '640'}}" />
    <div class="alert">
        Kein Logo in Stammdaten hochgeladen

<div class="page-footer">
                <td class="smallText">
                    {{ baseData.name }} <br />
                    {{ baseData.web }}
                <td class="smallText">
                    Tel: {{ baseData.phone }} <br />
                    E-Mail: {{ baseData.email }}
                <td class="smallText">
                    {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.street}} <br />
                    {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.zip}} {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.city}}

<table class="page-container-table">
                <!--place holder for the fixed-position header-->
                <div class="page-header-space"></div>

                {{#each events}}

                <div class="page">

                    {{ assign 'ansprechpartner' (contactByRole this.contacts "Ansprechpartner:in") }}
                    {{ assign 'mieter' (contactByRole this.contacts "Mieter:in") }}


                        <div class="smallText">
                            {{baseData.name}} &middot;
                            {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.street}} &middot;
                            {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.zip}} {{baseData.addresses.[0].address.city}}

                        {{#if mieter }}
                        {{ mieter.displayName }}<br />
                        {{ansprechpartner.firstName}} {{ansprechpartner.lastName}}<br />
                        {{ mieter.address.street }}<br />
                        {{ mieter.address.zip }} {{ mieter.address.city }}
                        <div class="alert">
                            Kontakt mit Rolle "Mieter:in" nicht angegeben

                    <div style="margin-top: 1cm; text-align: right;">Erding: {{ currentDate "P" }} </div>



                        Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Hiermit bieten wir Ihnen folgende Leistungen an:

                    <div style="margin-bottom: 0.5cm;">
                        Veranstaltung: <b>{{this.displayNames.eventTitleWithArtists}}</b>

                    {{#each this.offersOnEvent}}


                    {{assign 'anyLineItemHasDiscount' (add (sumBy this.roomsOnOffer 'discount') (sumBy
                    this.resourcesOnOffer 'discount'))}}

                                <th class="numeric">Einzelpreis</th>{{!-- Notiz: Hier keinen Umbruch einfügen --}}{{#if
                                anyLineItemHasDiscount}}<th class="numeric">Rabatt</th>{{/if}}
                                <th class="numeric">Gesamt</th>
                            {{#each this.roomsOnOffer}}
                                <td class="numeric">-</td>
                                <td>{{this.room}}{{#if this.description}}<br /><em>{{this.description}}</em>{{/if}}</td>
                                <td class="numeric">{{formatEuro this.price}}</td>{{!-- Notiz: Hier keinen Umbruch
                                einfügen --}}{{#if anyLineItemHasDiscount}}<td class="numeric">{{#if
                                    this.discount}}{{this.discount}} %{{else}}-{{/if}}</td>{{/if}}
                                <td class="numeric">{{formatEuro this.netTotal}}</td>
                            {{#each this.resourcesOnOffer}}
                                <td class="numeric">{{this.amount}}</td>
                                <td>{{#if (isEqual this.unit 'PIECE')}}Stück{{/if}}{{#if (isEqual this.unit
                                    'DAY')}}Tag{{/if}}{{#if (isEqual this.unit 'HOUR')}}Stunde{{/if}}</td>
                                <td>{{this.resource}}{{#if this.description}}<br />{{this.description}}{{/if}}</td>
                                <td class="numeric">{{formatEuro this.price}}</td>{{!-- Notiz: Hier keinen Umbruch
                                einfügen --}}{{#if anyLineItemHasDiscount}}<td class="numeric">{{#if
                                    this.discount}}{{this.discount}} %{{else}}-{{/if}}</td>{{/if}}
                                <td class="numeric">{{formatEuro this.netTotal}}</td>
                            {{#if this.discount}}
                                <td colspan="{{#if anyLineItemHasDiscount}}5{{else}}4{{/if}}">abzgl. {{this.discount}}%
                                <td class="numeric">-{{formatEuro (multiply this.netTotal (divide this.discount 100))}}
                                <th colspan="{{#if anyLineItemHasDiscount}}5{{else}}4{{/if}}">Gesamt netto</th>
                                <th class="numeric">{{formatEuro this.netTotal}}</th>

                            {{#each (this.netTotalByVat)}}
                                <td colspan="{{#if anyLineItemHasDiscount}}5{{else}}4{{/if}}">zzgl. {{this.vat}}% MWSt.
                                    von {{ formatEuro this.netTotal}}</td>
                                <td class="numeric">{{formatEuro this.vatTotal}}</td>

                                <th colspan="{{#if anyLineItemHasDiscount}}5{{else}}4{{/if}}">Gesamt brutto</th>
                                <td class="numeric"><strong>{{formatEuro this.grossTotal}}<strong></td>


                    Wir bedanken uns für die Anfrage und freuen uns auf Ihren Auftrag.


                <!--place holder for the fixed-position footer-->
                <div class="page-footer-space"></div>